
IDCategoryTask TypeSeverity  descSummaryStatusProgress
 79 clientPlanned FeatureCritical Add listview scrollbars Closed
Task Description

The listview doesn't show a scrollbar if there are more items in
it than can be displayed.

107editorBug ReportCriticalMoving selection fails unless active entity is clickedAssigned
Task Description

If you box-select a number of entities, and you want to move them, you have to drag the active selected entity.
CLicking any other selected (highlighted) entity will deselect the other members in the selection.

Dragging any member of the selection should work.

110clientBug ReportCriticalBetter camera handling and controlAssigned
Task Description

The camera handling is rather confusing. It would be best to retire the third-person "Turret" view and have a cockpit view and an external, third-person view.

Freelook should still work on both modes, but the camera angle should not be reset when leaving freelook.


  • remove Turret view
  • use shift+mousewheel to zoom in/out
  • remember freelook angle
  • remove 360-degree rotation limitation
  • remove control lock (spacebar)
  • do not pass ship control events when in a menu
 111 gameRequired MediaCritical Plasma cannon sound Closed
Task Description Plasma cannons need a fire sound. Some kind of heavy whoosh. Think fireball launcher.
 23 srcPlanned FeatureHigh Weapons Closed
Task Description

The basic ability for players to shoot each other.

28srcPlanned FeatureHighEquipmentAssigned
Task Description

Weapons, shields, armour...


- Shields & armor
- Mining equipment ?
- Misc equipment


- Weapons

32srcPlanned FeatureHighMaster ServerNew
Task Description

Master server and multiplayer server list.

34clientPlanned FeatureHighImproved options menuAssigned
Task Description

Add an improved options menu with video, audio, controls and game settings.

- video settings
- menu to configure game settings
- merge settings menus into a single, tabbed window

- menu to configure controls
- menu to configure player settings (name, colors, ..)
- menu to configure graphics settings
- menu to configure audio settings

36corePlanned FeatureHighPlayer signalsNew
Task Description

Implement a system where players can send arbitrary signals to each other
(arbitrary, from the point of view of the network protocol). This would be used
to send trade and docking requests, and to replace the silly 'hail' command
with a 'request for private chat'.

In the future this could also be used for other signals, like players declaring
their hostile intent.

It might also be possible to use the signals mechanism
to exchange targetting info.

 37 renderBug ReportHigh Colors are randomly broken on open-source 'radeon' and  ...Closed
Task Description

Using an ATI Radeon HD 5770. Mesa 7.10. The colors for all environment-mapped surfaces(which means nearly all model surfaces) are randomly chosen when the renderer begins. The colors that are used are out of all the colors used by the models, rather than some random color. Also, it appears to be only entire materials that are switching to the wrong color, rather than per-surface.

How to reproduce: Open up colors.shader, and comment(//) the 'environment' part of grey25, and run the game. You will see grey25 as the color it's supposed to be, only with its envmap fixed.

My thoughts: It's either a bug in the driver or some logic error in the fragment drawing code that's only manifesting on the radeon driver. This may also affect other drivers that use Mesa, but as yet radeon is the only one that I have seen that has this issue.

EDIT: This bug also occurs on the nouveau driver for nvidia. Perhaps Gallium3D is at fault?

 57 dataRequired MediaHigh Icon: Close Window Closed
Task Description

A close window icon.

A cross or something approriate,
in SVG.

 58 dataRequired MediaHigh Icon: Eject Cargo Closed
Task Description

An Eject Cargo icon

A Trashcan or recycle bin, or ...
in SVG.

67gamePlanned FeatureHighNPC supportIn progress
Task Description

Support for computer-controlled allies and opponents.

- Better AI control
- Dynamic patrols

71gameRequired MediaHighFaction and Reputation supportIn progress
Task Description

Support for factions and player reputation.

Reputation influences prices, docking rights and NPC hostility.

- trade reputation
- player faction membership

- factions.ini
- faction colors
- faction reputation
- player reputation
- entity faction
- game:: player reputation savegame
- client:: reputation window window: stats refresh + reputation bars
- player reputation network transfer
- entity faction network transfer
- 'give reputation' function
- game:: deny dock on hostile stations
- game:: change reputation if player kills an NPC
- refresh reputation window if player reputation changes

 80 clientBug ReportHigh Slider loses focus while the mouse button is pressed Closed
Task Description

If you change the value of a slider by moving the indicater with the mouse, it loses focus if the mouse cursor leaves the widget. As long as the mouse button is pressed down, focus should stick to the widget that had focus when the mouse button was first pressed.

This is not a problem within the ui::Slider class. This is an issue that needs to be resolved in the input handling core.

98renderPlanned FeatureHighMaterial texture stagesIn progress
Task Description

To ease the transition to a multitexturing rendering environment, I propose that we fully adopt Quake 3 shader scripting. Currently, we support a simpler version with a single texture stage in mind.


- Support for material with multiple layers


- OpenGL multitexture support
- Improve syntax

Exmaple of current implementation:

qer_editorimage path/to/texture
map path/to/texture
map path/to/glow_texture
blendfunc blend

Quake 3:

qer_editorimage path/to/texture
map path/to/texture
map path/to/texture2
blendfunc ...

 100 srcPlanned FeatureHigh Support for Item::Mountable flag and improved mount but ...Closed
Task Description

Implement complete support for the core::Item::Mountable flag.
The inventory screen should only show a mount button where approriate,
similar to the unmount button.

- Make the mount/unmount functions verify the mountable flag
(no need as it checks weapon subtype)
- Set the Item::Mountable flags on cannon and turret items
- Update the inventory screen

104clientPlanned FeatureHighImproved inventory menu.Assigned
Task Description

The current inventory menu is too confusing.

- tabs for cargo/weapon/equipment
- show weapon slots
- show mounted weapons inside their slots,
mounting/unmounting a weapon moves it back and forth
between slot and inventory

108dataRequired MediaHighModel: pirate baseNew
Task Description

Pirate base models, to serve as NPC headquarters.
Several generic models are required.

 109 clientPlanned FeatureHigh Button Tooltips Closed
Task Description

The ui::IconButton class needs to support tooltips.

It might be a good idea to implement this at the Widget level,
and display it for any widget whenever a tooltip text is set.

 2 clientBug ReportMedium Skyboxes rendering junk on random sides on Intel Closed
Task Description

For some reason, a random side(or two) of the skybox renders complete nonsense. This only seems to happen on Intel cards.

I have attached a shot taken from my netbook which has an Intel 945G chipset.

 7 srcBug ReportMedium Rotated misc_models render in wrong positions. Closed
Task Description

A misc_model that has been rotated in certain ways does not render correctly in-game(at least when it uses a .map as the model). The expected behavior should be how it appears in Radiant.

In my testing:
A simple Z-axis rotate renders fine. Any other complex rotations, like Y-axis rotations cause it to rotate(as expected), but the origin is in the wrong place. So, theoretically, any rotation that does not move the misc_model's referenced model's origin should work fine. Any other will break.

The latest committed version of the pirate juggernaut has misc_models with this problem, so that can be used as a test case.

 10 coreBug ReportMedium Sub-model clip brushes are not inherited by parent mode ...Closed
Task Description

If you use a collision model on a sub-model(called with misc_model or some other way), it does not include the clip brushes used in the sub-model if collision models are activated in ships.ini(or equivalent).

 14 gameBug ReportMedium Preserving thruster setting Closed
Task Description

If a ship drops out of impulse, the previous thruster setting
should be restored instead of beeing set to 0.

This depends on the game not using entity_thrust
when entity_state != Entity::Normal. Changes to this variable
are send back to the client and override any previous
thruster setting.

15gamePlanned FeatureMediumPlayer-to-player tradingAssigned
Task Description

Add player-to-player trading.

* Docking player ships should require owner permission
* Player shops
* Player must be able to decide what items to sell, at what prices.
*'tradeable' flag
*shop allows multiple buyers, player-to-player only one.
*Player factory ships, base factories, per-item adjustable conversion rate and ratio.
e.g. 2 units of niobum to 1 superconductor per 30 seconds

17srcPlanned FeatureMediumTractor beam effectNew
Task Description

Implement beam particles for tractoring cargo.

The tracktor beam is currently completely server-side,
this will require additional engine infrastructure or a hack.

Instead of 'beams' a general 'effect' could be created.
It is possible to create an entity holding a model with
a particle system (like projectiles) representing the 'beam-in'
effect (think star trek transporters).

On the other hand, implementing beam style would open the door
for beam weapons.

18gamePlanned FeatureMediumEquipment TradingAssigned
Task Description

The purchase and selling of ship equipment such as weapons.

 21 srcPlanned FeatureMedium Player Saving Closed
Task Description

Saving the players status on the server. Add savegame infrastructure for singeplayer games.

 22 srcPlanned FeatureMedium Network Authentication Closed
Task Description

Authenticating the client with server to load player save.

24dataPlanned FeatureMediumWeapon ModelsNew
Task Description

Models for cannons and turrets to be used in the trade menu.
The colors used on the model should reflect the projectile color.

Laser: red (civilian)
Blaster: yellow (military)
Ion: light blue (lindblade)
Neutron: green
Metrion: pink

- Proximity mine
- Smart mine

- Laser turret
- Improved laser turret

- Blaster cannon
- Improved blaster cannon
- Blaster turret

- Ion cannon
- Ion turret

- Neutron cannon
- Improved neutron cannon
- Neutron turret
- Improved neutron turret

- Metrion accelerator

- Singularity projector (fires missiles)

- Dumb mine
- Laser cannon
- Improved laser cannon
- Advanced laser cannon

25srcPlanned FeatureMediumModel weapon slots and positioning.New
Task Description

Attaching the model/weapon to its associated 'slot' on the ship, and handling the position of said slot.

 27 srcPlanned FeatureMedium Weapon and explosion sounds Closed
Task Description

Explosions, weapons fire, auditory pew pew.


- Weapon sounds
- Target hit sound
- Target kill sound
- Explosion particles
- Explosion sounds for EntityControlable
- Explosion sound for EntityDynamic
- Getting hit sounds

 29 gamePlanned FeatureMedium Weapons Trading Closed
Task Description

The transfer, purchase, and selling of weapons.

- Read weapon definitions from ini file
- Weapon dealers
- Ejecting weapons

31dataRequired MediaMediumPlayable, Consistent UniverseIn progress
Task Description

Requires elaborate trade routes, balanced ships and ship hardware, adequate difficulty curve


- implement all starsystems on the starsystem roadmap

33srcPlanned FeatureMediumSoundtrack supportNew
Task Description

Add client support for playing background music.It should be possible to define a number of audio tracks per zone,
for the intro, and make provisions for 'battle music'. Investigate support for FLAC, OGG and MP3 audio formats.

41renderFeature RequestMediumLOD entity keys + Automatic patch LODNew
Task Description

The engine needs a way to be able to use a LOD system for performance reasons. I propose a method for this: all brush entities(except worldspawn and misc_model) will have a 'lod' key. The existence of this key in the entity(as in, if it's actually set) tells the engine to enable LOD on the entity. The value for the LOD key would be an integer of 0 through 3. A value of 3 tells the engine to only render the brushes at 75% and above of the detail LOD distance. A value of 2 renders at 50-75%. A value of 1 renders at 25-50%. 0 renders at 0-25% distance. If the key is not set, the brushes will render at all distances(unless set to detail).

This allows two things: Patch meshes get LOD, and LOD gradually degrades with distance.

An alternative would be in patch loading. At model load, bake 4 levels of LOD for the patch meshes into the model, and apply the same rules as above. This may not be desirable because some patch meshes may be required to stay at full LOD for specific reasons.

The only downside to this is that it requires more memory to store the LOD models, but it would cut down on polygon count at render time significantly.

 42 clientBug ReportMedium ESC key doesn't close buy and trade windows Closed
Task Description

While docked, pressing ESC doesn't close the current window and doesn't open the main menu
from the launch bay window.

43dataRequired MediaMediumModel: Unfinished JumpgateNew
Task Description

Use: The unfinished jumpgates between Finnmark and Kronenbaden.

 44 dataRequired MediaMedium Model: Kerman station Closed
Task Description

Use: Kerman station, Khorsand system.

Info: Produces superconductors from niobium, should probably look like some form of factory.

 45 dataRequired MediaMedium Model: Generic Colonial Outpost Closed
Task Description

Use: The stations next to the unfinished jumpgates in finnmark and kronenbaden
Other uses: Generic == profit

56clientBug ReportMediumExtremely slow to load.Assigned
Task Description

Windows is extremely slow to load compared to other platforms.

$time ./src/osirion +connect +quit

Linux: 3.3 seconds
Windows: 23.7 seconds

This may be related to the binaries being produced via mingw:

The best solution is to probably use a Visual C++ toolchain for windows binaries.

 62 srcPlanned FeatureMedium Improved main menu framework Closed
Task Description

The main menu classes have to be move from ui/ to client/.

Provide a client::MainMenu class for menu managment,
provide support for save/load game menu where approriate.

Remove ui::Menu and ui::Container classes and support methods in ui::Window.

 73 srcBug ReportMedium testmodel primary/secondary colors set incorrectly Closed
Task Description

When using testmodel, the secondary color seems to be copied from the primary color rather than cl_colorSecond.

 91 renderFeature RequestMedium Extend spawnflags for Lights/Flares/Particles to includ ...Closed
Task Description

Lights, Flares, and Particle system entities are allowed to use entity color for coloring their graphics, but entitysecond and entitythird are not available.

- Particlesystems can be set to entity second from inside the script
- entity_second spawnflag for lights
- entity_second spawnflag for flares
- entity_second spawnflag for particle systems
- entity_third can be enabled by setting both entity and entity_second.

92srcFeature RequestMediumClean up of material, light, flare and particle color ...New
Task Description

Clean up and homogenize material, light, flare, engine and particle color types and flags.

Those fx can be triggered by engine states (trigger_impulse, trigger_engine, trigger_destroyed, ..)
The color can be set as color_entity, color_entity_second, color_entity_third, color_engine, ...

- review/refactor: lights, flares, materials, and particles should have the some options for
triggers and colortypes.
The parameter names in .map file classes and .material files should be the same

96srcBug ReportMediumProblems while docked at another player's shipNew
Task Description

The following issues appear if you're docked at another player's ship


- If the host docks a planet or a large base and you launch, you'll spawn inside the planet.
- Space dust isn't rendered if the host moves
- Correct undefinied behaviour if the host gets destroyed, docks should be destroyed as well

- Note: In theory, recursivedocking should work (player A docked at B docked at C),
issues should be resolved accordingly

 99 gamePlanned FeatureMedium Turret support Closed
Task Description

Support for ship turrets.

- Add support for slot types (Turret/Cannon)
- Implement weapons fire cone
- Alter mounting functions to support slot types

3renderBug ReportLowMerged patch mesh points produce bad results on IntelNew
Task Description

If multiple patch mesh points are in the same place(like on many windows), certain polygons are lit incorrectly on Intel hardware.

Shot taken from netbook with Intel 945G chipset.

4renderPlanned FeatureLowZ-Fail Stencil ShadowsNew
Task Description

If a real-time shadowing method is to be used, sharp stencil shadows would be more in-line with the game's visual style. It apparently can be done with very little code.

5coreBug ReportLow'give ship x' while moving makes player unable to contr...Assigned
Task Description

At random, if you use 'give ship' while your ship is moving, you can be trapped in a state where you cannot turn or move in any direction. You are still given the new ship, however, and if you use 'give ship' a few more times, you can recover from the problem.

Leaving this as low-priority since 'give ship' is technically a cheat. Setting this as category 'src' because the cause is unknown.

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