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AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2010-11-27Applied Thorn's Independent-Lindblade-TsuKhan patch.Stijn Buys converted big engines to patch meshes.Evan Goers modified to use patch meshes.Evan Goers converted majority of structure into patch meshes.Evan Goers
2010-11-25Made one corona plain in intro, Stijn Buys
2010-11-25intro.ini: changed tsukhan intro a bit and gave all intros default star coronas.Evan Goers
2010-11-24move coronas into a seperate directory, use megatog615's corona as default, a...Stijn Buys
2010-11-24unknown.ini: gave faction sizes, etc.Evan Goers
2010-11-24ships.ini: gave colossus technical stats.Evan Goers
2010-11-21Updated Goers
2010-11-21Updated Goers
2010-11-21Updated Goers
2010-11-20updated Micron Vector engine specificationsStijn Buys
2010-11-20Added Mining Surveyor.Evan Goers
2010-11-18Replaced direction keys with yaw keys in the zone ini files, changed the sign...Stijn Buys
2010-11-18Changed the color of radiant light entities in entities.def.Stijn Buys
2010-11-18Modified some particle scripts to have multiple emitters..Evan Goers
2010-11-18removed mass values from ships.iniStijn Buys
2010-11-17Updated radiant documentation for axis related keys in entities.def.Stijn Buys
2010-11-17restored original custodian faction colorStijn Buys
2010-11-17removed entity color from engine trailsStijn Buys
2010-11-16minor additions to entities.defStijn Buys Merged some brushes to reduce poly count. Use entity color for en...Evan Goers
2010-11-16updated entities.def with 'angles' key where applicableStijn Buys
2010-11-16Changed Enforcer info/technical specifications.Evan Goers
2010-11-15Added some finer detail to the merchant ships.Evan Goers
2010-11-14Various cosmetic changes to some models.Evan Goers
2010-11-13Fixed spelling mistake on colossus(doh).Evan Goers
2010-11-13updated ship template sizesStijn Buys
2010-11-13added factions and templates, zone description cleanupStijn Buys
2010-11-13moved shipmodel templates to ships.iniStijn Buys
2010-11-13Updated Enforcer model.Evan Goers
2010-11-13renamed capital ship template, moved ship model template keys before model keysStijn Buys
2010-11-12Set up preliminary templates for all ships.Evan Goers
2010-11-12removed unnecessary jumpgate descritptions,Stijn Buys
2010-11-12adds faction.ini, added factions to world definitionsStijn Buys
2010-11-11added factionsStijn Buys
2010-11-11Changed engine effects on various models.Evan Goers
2010-11-09added common/test textureStijn Buys
2010-11-09removed models/test subdirectoryStijn Buys
2010-11-09renamed the Albion system to Caledonia,Stijn Buys
2010-11-09removed test modelsStijn Buys
2010-11-09Made avenger engine spin faster.Evan Goers
2010-11-06Updated sky01 through sky08Stijn Buys
2010-11-04added sky10 to the lindblade systemStijn Buys
2010-10-30added engine spawnflag to func_rotateStijn Buys
2010-10-25updated ship and cargo definitions. updated Finnmark systemStijn Buys
2010-10-25update ship definitionsStijn Buys
2010-10-25move particles to base/Stijn Buys
2010-10-24added ship specifications, slightly moved planets in the Ghant system, added ...Stijn Buys