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AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-11-11Gave goliath turrets.Evan Goers
2012-11-23Added some antenna to the goliath.Evan Goers
2012-11-19Re-centered colossus.Evan Goers
2011-10-29Various detailing all around.Evan Goers
2011-10-28More detailed turret002. Evan Goers
2011-10-22cmodel for turret001, turret002, and goliath.Evan Goers
2011-10-22More detail, blinkenlights, guns for goliath.Evan Goers
2011-10-19More detail for the goliath.Evan Goers
2011-10-08Detailed goliath.Evan Goers
2011-10-08New colonial battleship, 'goliath'. Work-in-progress.Evan Goers