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AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-02-03ships.ini: added ship 'jaguar'.Evan Goers changed entity textures to kuroto.Evan Goers
2009-08-13Converted/updated static models, and talon ship model.Evan Goers
2009-08-11converted navpoint model to q3 style brushesStijn Buys
2009-06-05Updated Cannon002.Evan Goers
2009-06-05Updated Turret001/002.Evan Goers
2009-06-05Updated cannon001.Evan Goers
2009-02-08Updated remaining models for new materials.Evan Goers
2009-02-06Updated all zones with new navpoint model.Evan Goers
2009-02-05Changed navpoint model light size.Evan Goers
2009-02-05Added navpoint model.Evan Goers
2009-01-22Added basic turret/cannon models.Evan Goers
2009-01-10Preliminary cargo pod model.Evan Goers