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authorStijn Buys <>2008-03-29 11:23:16 +0000
committerStijn Buys <>2008-03-29 11:23:16 +0000
commit49e268d1b4244948e49a11612501a743e311fbaf (patch)
tree58280d24af8d2f385bdc6819f185fda0a0496e94 /INSTALL
parentec749a67a8dac87dc01421fc74fa9ee8ec6a6164 (diff)
documentation updates
Diffstat (limited to 'INSTALL')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index bb14b1c..a459df3 100644
@@ -10,15 +10,33 @@ Installation
To build the Osirion Project from source code you will need
the SDL and OpenGL library and header files.
- In theory, it should compile on any POSIX-compatible platform
- supported by SDL, but at the time of writing only linux is
- supported. Support for the win32 platform is under development.
I have succesfully compiled it on the following platforms:
linux-x86_64 gcc 4.1.2
linux-i686 gcc 4.1.2
mingw32 gcc 4.2.2
+ In theory, it should compile on any POSIX-compatible platform
+ supported by SDL, reports for other platforms (working or not)
+ are welcome.
+Compilation on windows32
+ If you downloaded the zip file containing the windows32
+ exe files, all the hard work has already been done and the
+ game is ready to run. If you want to build your own exe files,
+ keep on reading.
+ You can use maci's excellent mingw/msys package to install
+ a development environment on windows. You can find the
+ installer here:
+ You can use the Turtoisesvn SubVersion client to access the
+ SVN repositories. You can download it from
Obtaining the source code
Get the latest version of the source code from svn: