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authorStijn Buys <>2016-03-05 23:26:08 +0100
committerStijn Buys <>2016-03-05 23:26:08 +0100
commit691136ea46b7ac59108402970cd61e157e3f292c (patch)
treedb846cfe6e14e5bbb74f0874ea97e937a18db3c9 /developer/TASKS
parent44405ef0f1b811cc0c2f18bbe24c34f37f288388 (diff)
Homogenized documentation files throughout the different projects.
Diffstat (limited to 'developer/TASKS')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/developer/TASKS b/developer/TASKS
deleted file mode 100644
index e655689..0000000
--- a/developer/TASKS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Project::OSiRiON - TASKS
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file contains a list of reasonable easy tasks than can
- be done by anyone who is interested in contributing to
- the project. No programming skills are required to
- do any of these.
-Create skyboxes
- The program Spacescape is a freely available tool to
- create skyboxes with stars and nebulas.
- Note that this tool only works on windows, attempts to run
- it in linux with wine have been unsuccessful.
- I wrote a small shell script to rename its output to osirion
- conventions:
-Ship definitions
- A lot of ship definitions in base/ini/ships.ini are incomplete:
- price, cargo hold size, jump drive, dockable and engine
- specifications have to be added and tweaked where necessary.
-Cargo definitions
- Add cargo definitions to ini/cargo.ini.
-Cargo models
- Each cargo definition needs a model to represent the type of cargo in-game.
- Required models:
- - Crystals
- - Diamonds
- - Iron (ore)
- - Niobium (ore)
- - Liquor (bottles?)
- - Carbosteel (plating / blocks?)
- - Superconductors (fancy magnet thing?)
- - Optronics (optical chips)
-Trade definitions
- Add trade definitions to the world ini files.
- The easiest way to do this is by thinking in trade routes:
- - A base resource is sold at the source location, with unlimited supply
- amount = -1
- price = low
- e.g. iron is mined and sold at an iron mining installation
- - The resource can be sold at a good price at a target location that probably needs the resource
- amount = 0
- price = high
- e.g. a carbosteel forge will buy the iron at a good price
- - On the route from source to destination, the resource can be sold along the way. The price
- increases with distance from the source location.
- amount = 0
- price = medium
- e.g. the iron ore can be traded on a supply station along the route
- After finishing a route, traders like to take back other profitable goods,
- therefor it is generally a good idea to provide a trade route in the opposite
- direction to the same area.
- Required objects
- - Iron mining facility (Finnmark system)
- - Carbosteel forge
- - AMTEL optronics production plant
- - Border Guard station (Karelian system)
- The list of attributions needs updating
- Most of the documentation needs updating:
- doc/attribution.html List of attributions
- doc/guide.html Player guide
- doc/manual.html Engine user manual
- doc/world.html Editing the world
- Hints from this document can probably be added to the main documentation.