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authorStijn Buys <>2008-05-03 21:04:02 +0000
committerStijn Buys <>2008-05-03 21:04:02 +0000
commit82293065b52f5a4e5c4ccde5eade4ebae18014ca (patch)
tree254f1fa3259f03f033b3d1fd225742a12de167b1 /src/core/
parent5388c37bdc040ba50d21ec16a01f399d20592a90 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/core/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 913 deletions
diff --git a/src/core/ b/src/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index c6f5dde..0000000
--- a/src/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,913 +0,0 @@
- render/model.h
- This file is part of the Osirion project and is distributed under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
-#include <iostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <vector>
-#include <list>
-#include "core/cvar.h"
-#include "core/model.h"
-#include "filesystem/filesystem.h"
-namespace core
-const float MAX_BOUNDS = 16384;
-const float delta = 10e-10;
-/* ---------- core::VertexArray ------------------------------------ */
-VertexArray *VertexArray::vertex_instance = 0 ;
-VertexArray::VertexArray(size_t size)
- vertex_instance = this;
- vertex_size = size * 1024*1024; // megabytes
- vertex_size = vertex_size / sizeof(float); // sizeof float
- vertex_size = vertex_size / 4; // 4 arrays
- vertex_vertex = (float *) malloc(vertex_size * sizeof(float));
- vertex_color = (float *) malloc(vertex_size * sizeof(float));
- vertex_normal = (float *) malloc(vertex_size * sizeof(float));
- vertex_texture = (float *) malloc(vertex_size * sizeof(float));
- con_print << "Initializing vertex array..." << std::endl;
- con_debug << " " << size << " Mb allocated" << std::endl;
- clear();
- free(vertex_vertex);
- free(vertex_normal);
- free(vertex_color);
- free(vertex_texture);
- vertex_instance = 0 ;
-void VertexArray::clear()
- vertex_index = 0;
- memset(vertex_vertex, 0, sizeof(vertex_vertex));
- memset(vertex_color, 0, sizeof(vertex_color));
- memset(vertex_normal, 0, sizeof(vertex_normal));
- memset(vertex_texture, 0, sizeof(vertex_normal));
- add_sphere();
-void VertexArray::add_sphere()
- // load sphere vertices into the VertexArray
- // build sin/cos table
- float *sintable;
- float *costable;
- sintable = new float[SPHERESEGMENTS];
- costable = new float[SPHERESEGMENTS];
- float d = 2 * M_PI / (SPHERESEGMENTS-1);
- for (int i=0; i < SPHERESEGMENTS; i++) {
- sintable[i] = sin( d * (float) i );
- costable[i] = cos ( d * (float) i );
- }
- // draw body
- math::Color white(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- math::Vector3f v;
- math::Vector3f n;
- int count;
- for (int j=0; j < SPHERESEGMENTS-1; j++) {
- float r = sintable[j];
- float r1 = sintable[j+1];
- // glBegin
- v = math::Vector3f(r, 0, costable[j]);
- n = v;
- n.normalize();
- //normal(n);
- //vertex(v);
- add_vertex(v, n, white);
- v = math::Vector3f(r1, 0, costable[j+1]);
- n = v;
- n.normalize();
- //normal(n);
- //vertex(v);
- add_vertex(v, n, white);
- count =2;
- for (int i = SPHERESEGMENTS-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- v = math::Vector3f(r*costable[i], r*sintable[i], costable[j]);
- n = v;
- n.normalize();
- //normal(n);
- //vertex(v);
- add_vertex(v, n, white);
- v = math::Vector3f(r1*costable[i], r1*sintable[i], costable[j+1]);
- n = v;
- n.normalize();
- //normal(n);
- //vertex(v);
- add_vertex(v, n, white);
- count +=2;
- }
- // glEnd
- }
- delete[] sintable;
- delete[] costable;
-void VertexArray::add_vertex(math::Vector3f const &v, math::Vector3f const &n, math::Color const &color) {
- if (vertex_index + 3 >= vertex_size) {
- con_warn << "VertexArray overflow!" << std::endl;
- return;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i ++) {
- vertex_vertex[vertex_index+i] = v[i];
- vertex_normal[vertex_index+i] = n[i];
- }
- vertex_color[vertex_index] = color.r;
- vertex_color[vertex_index+1] = color.g;
- vertex_color[vertex_index+2] = color.b;
- vertex_index += 3;
-/* ---------- core::Triangle --------------------------------------- */
-Triangle::Triangle(math::Vector3f const &v0, math::Vector3f const &v1, math::Vector3f const &v2, math::Vector3f const &n, math::Color *color, bool detail) :
- triangle_v0(v0),
- triangle_v1(v1),
- triangle_v2(v2),
- triangle_normal(n)
- if (color)
- triangle_color = *color;
- else
- math::Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- triangle_detail = detail;
-/* ---------- core::Light ------------------------------------------ */
-Light::Light(math::Vector3f const & location, math::Color const & color, bool strobe) :
- light_location(location),
- light_color(color)
- light_strobe = strobe;
- light_radius = 1.0f;
- light_frequency = 1.0f;
- light_offset = 0.0f;
- light_time = 0.5f;
- light_flare = 0;
- render_texture = 0;
-/* ---------- core::Engine ------------------------------------------ */
-Engine::Engine(math::Vector3f const & location) :
- engine_location(location)
-/* ---------- core::Model ------------------------------------------ */
-std::map<std::string, Model*> Model::registry;
-Model::Model(std::string const & name) :
- model_name(name)
- model_valid = false;
- model_scale = 1.0f / 1024.0f;
- model_first_vertex = 0;
- model_first_evertex = 0;
- model_vertex_count = 0;
- model_vertex_countdetail = 0;
- model_evertex_count = 0;
- model_evertex_countdetail = 0;
- std::string fn("maps/");
- fn.append(name);
- fn.append(".map");
- filesystem::File *f = filesystem::open(fn.c_str());
- if (!f) {
- return;
- }
- fn = f->path();
- fn.append(f->name());
- filesystem::close(f);
- std::ifstream ifs(fn.c_str());
- if (!ifs.is_open()) {
- con_warn << "Could not stream " << fn << "!\n";
- return;
- }
- // --------- the actual reading
- using math::Vector3f;
- using math::Plane3f;
- std::vector<Plane3f *> planes;
- unsigned int level = 0;
- char data[1024];
- std::string class_name;
- math::Vector3f class_origin;
- float class_angle = 0;
- math::Color class_color;
- unsigned int class_spawnflags = 0;
- float class_light = 100;
- float class_frequency = 1.0f;
- float class_offset = 0;
- float class_time = 0.0f;
- unsigned int class_flare = 0;
- bool brush_detail = false;
- while (ifs) {
- ifs.getline(data, 1023);
- std::istringstream linestream(data);
- std::string firstword;
- if (linestream >> firstword) {
- if (firstword == "//") {
- //cout << " COMMENT!" << std::endl;
- continue;
- } else if (firstword == "{") {
- if (!level) {
- class_angle = 0;
- class_name.clear();
- class_origin = math::Vector3f(0,0,0);
- class_color = math::Color(1, 1, 1);
- class_spawnflags = 0;
- class_light = 100;
- class_offset = 0;
- class_frequency = 1.0f;
- class_time = 0.0f;
- class_flare = 0;
- brush_detail = false;
- }
- level ++;
- //cout << " LEVEL +" << level << std::endl;
- } else if (firstword == "}") {
- //cout << " LEVEL -" << level << std::endl;
- if ((level == 2) && (class_name == "worldspawn")) {
- if (VertexArray::instance()) {
- // for every face
- std::vector<Vector3f *>points;
- for (std::vector<Plane3f *>::iterator face = planes.begin(); face != planes.end(); face++) {
- make_face((*face), planes, brush_detail);
- }
- }
- // clean planes
- for (std::vector<Plane3f *>::iterator it = planes.begin(); it != planes.end(); it++) {
- delete(*it);
- }
- planes.clear();
- brush_detail = false;
- } else if ((level == 1) && (class_name == "target_engine")) {
- //con_debug << " engine at " << class_origin << "\n";
- add_engine(new Engine(class_origin * model_scale));
- } else if ((level == 1) && (class_name == "light")) {
- Light *light = new Light(class_origin * model_scale, class_color, (class_spawnflags & 1) == 1);
- light->light_radius = class_light / 100.0f;
- light->light_offset = class_offset;
- if (class_frequency > 0 )
- light->light_frequency = class_frequency;
- if (class_time > 0 )
- light->light_time = class_time;
- if (class_flare > 0)
- light->light_flare = class_flare;
- add_light(light);
- }
- if (level == 1) {
- class_angle = 0;
- class_name.clear();
- class_origin = Vector3f(0,0,0);
- class_color = math::Color(1, 1, 1);
- class_spawnflags = 0;
- }
- level--;
- } else if (firstword == "\"classname\"") {
- class_name.clear();
- if (linestream >> class_name) {
- if (class_name.size() > 2) {
- class_name.erase(0,1);
- class_name.erase(class_name.size()-1, 1);
- //linestream >> class_name;
- //con_debug << " classname '" << class_name << "'" << std::endl;
- } else {
- class_name.clear();
- }
- } else {
- //cout << " EMPTY CLASS" << std::endl;
- }
- } else if (firstword == "\"origin\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_origin.x;
- is >> class_origin.y;
- is >> class_origin.z;
- //con_debug << " origin '" << class_origin << "'" << std::endl;
- } else if (firstword == "\"_color\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_color.r;
- is >> class_color.g;
- is >> class_color.b;
- } else if (firstword == "\"angle\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_angle;
- //con_debug << " angle '" << class_angle << "'" << std::endl;
- } else if (firstword == "\"spawnflags\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_spawnflags;
- //con_debug << " spawnflags '" << class_spawnflags << "'" << std::endl;
- } else if (firstword == "\"light\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_light;
- } else if (firstword == "\"frequency\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_frequency;
- } else if (firstword == "\"offset\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_offset;
- } else if (firstword == "\"time\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_time;
- } else if (firstword == "\"flare\"") {
- std::string tmp;
- char c;
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'));
- while ((linestream.get(c)) && (c != '"'))
- tmp += c;
- std::istringstream is(tmp);
- is >> class_flare;
- } else if (firstword == "(") {
- if ((level == 2) && (class_name == "worldspawn")) {
- //cout << " BRUSH PLANE" << std::endl;
- Vector3f p1;
- Vector3f p2;
- Vector3f p3;
- std::string tmp;
- std::string texture;
- int n;
- linestream >> p1;
- linestream >> tmp; // )
- linestream >> tmp; // (
- linestream >> p2;
- linestream >> tmp; // )
- linestream >> tmp; // (
- linestream >> p3;
- linestream >> tmp; // )
- linestream >> texture;
- // 5 numbers (texture alignment?)
- for (int i=0; i < 5; i++)
- linestream >> tmp;
- if (linestream >> n) {
- if (n > 0)
- brush_detail = true;
- }
- //cout << data << std::endl;
- //cout << "(" << p1 << ") (" << p2 << ") (" << p3 << ") " << texture << std::endl;
- Plane3f *plane = new Plane3f(p1, p2, p3);
- plane->texture() = texture;
- planes.push_back(plane);
- //cout << "normal " << plane->normal() << std::endl;
- } else {
- //cout << " UNKNOWN line for '" << classname << "' level " << level << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ifs.close();
- if ((model_tris.size() + model_etris.size()) > 0) {
- math::Vector3f center = (model_minbbox + model_maxbbox) / 2;
- model_minbbox -= center;
- model_maxbbox -= center;
- model_radius = model_maxbbox.length();
- // structural triangles
- model_first_vertex = VertexArray::instance()->index()/3;
- for (std::list<Triangle *>::iterator it = model_tris.begin(); it != model_tris.end(); it++) {
- Triangle *triangle = (*it);
- if (!triangle->detail()) {
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v0-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v1-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v2-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- model_vertex_count += 3;
- }
- }
- // detail triangles
- for (std::list<Triangle *>::iterator it = model_tris.begin(); it != model_tris.end(); it++) {
- Triangle *triangle = (*it);
- if (triangle->detail()) {
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v0-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v1-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v2-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- model_vertex_countdetail += 3;
- }
- delete triangle;
- }
- model_tris.clear();
- // structural etriangles
- model_first_evertex = VertexArray::instance()->index()/3;
- for (std::list<Triangle *>::iterator it = model_etris.begin(); it != model_etris.end(); it++) {
- Triangle *triangle = (*it);
- if (!triangle->detail()) {
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v0-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v1-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v2-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- model_evertex_count += 3;
- }
- }
- // detail etriangles
- for (std::list<Triangle *>::iterator it = model_etris.begin(); it != model_etris.end(); it++) {
- Triangle *triangle = (*it);
- if (triangle->detail()) {
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v0-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v1-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- VertexArray::instance()->add_vertex(triangle->triangle_v2-center, triangle->normal(), triangle->color() );
- model_evertex_countdetail += 3;
- }
- delete triangle;
- }
- model_etris.clear();
- // reposition light and engines
- for (std::list<Engine *>::iterator eit = model_engine.begin(); eit != model_engine.end(); eit++) {
- (*eit)->engine_location -= center;
- }
- for (std::list<Light *>::iterator lit = model_light.begin(); lit != model_light.end(); lit++) {
- (*lit)->light_location -= center;
- }
- model_valid = true;
- }
- con_debug << " maps/" << name << ".map " << tris() << " triangles (" << details() << " detail)" << std::endl;
- // delete all engines
- for (std::list<Engine *>::iterator eit = model_engine.begin(); eit != model_engine.end(); eit++) {
- delete(*eit);
- }
- model_engine.clear();
- // delete all lights
- for (std::list<Light *>::iterator lit = model_light.begin(); lit != model_light.end(); lit++) {
- delete (*lit);
- }
- model_light.clear();
-size_t Model::tris() const
- return ((model_vertex_count + model_vertex_countdetail +
- model_evertex_count + model_evertex_countdetail)/3);
-size_t Model::details() const
- return ((model_vertex_countdetail + model_evertex_countdetail)/3);
-void Model::make_face(math::Plane3f *face, std::vector<math::Plane3f *> & planes, bool detail)
- using math::Vector3f;
- using math::Plane3f;
- // ignore caulk
- if (face->texture() == "common/caulk") {
- return;
- }
- // FIXME clip should be parsed as collision blocks
- if (face->texture() == "common/clip") {
- return;
- }
- // using suggestions from
- //
- std::vector<math::Vector3f *> vl;
- // inital vertices
- // check if the face is x-axis oriented
- if ((fabsf(face->normal().x) >= fabsf(face->normal().y)) && (fabsf(face->normal().x) >= fabsf(face->normal().z))) {
- //cout << " x oriented" << std::endl;
- if (face->normal().x >= 0) {
- vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, -MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, -MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS));
- } else {
- vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, -MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new math::Vector3f(0, -MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS));
- }
- // calculate the x coordinate of each face vertex
- for (std::vector<Vector3f *>::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) {
- (*it)->x = (-face->d() -
- face->normal().z * (*it)->z -
- face->normal().y * (*it)->y) /
- face->normal().x;
- }
- }
- // check if the face is y-axis oriented
- else if ((fabsf(face->normal().y) >= fabsf(face->normal().x)) && (fabsf(face->normal().y) >= fabsf(face->normal().z))) {
- //cout << " y oriented" << std::endl;
- if (face->normal().y >= 0) {
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, 0, -MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, 0, MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, 0, MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, 0, -MAX_BOUNDS));
- } else {
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, 0, -MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, 0, MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, 0, MAX_BOUNDS));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, 0, -MAX_BOUNDS));
- }
- // calculate the x coordinate of each face vertex
- for (std::vector<Vector3f *>::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) {
- (*it)->y = (-face->d() -
- face->normal().z * (*it)->z -
- face->normal().x * (*it)->x) /
- face->normal().y;
- }
- }
- // face must be z-axis oriented
- else {
- //cout << " z oriented" << std::endl;
- if (face->normal().z >= 0) {
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS, 0));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS, 0));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS, 0));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS, 0));
- } else {
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS, 0));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS, 0));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, MAX_BOUNDS, 0));
- vl.push_back(new Vector3f(-MAX_BOUNDS, -MAX_BOUNDS, 0));
- }
- // calculate the x coordinate of each face vertex
- for (std::vector<Vector3f *>::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) {
- (*it)->z = (-face->d() -
- face->normal().x * (*it)->x -
- face->normal().y * (*it)->y) /
- face->normal().z;
- }
- }
- // intersect the face with every plane
- for (std::vector<Plane3f *>::iterator pit = planes.begin(); pit != planes.end(); pit++) {
- Plane3f *plane = (*pit);
- if (plane == face) {
- continue;
- }
- Vector3f fn = crossproduct(face->point(1)-face->point(0), face->point(2)-face->point(0));
- Vector3f pn = crossproduct(plane->point(1)-plane->point(0), plane->point(2)-plane->point(0));
- Vector3f t = crossproduct(fn, pn);
- if ((t.x == 0) && (t.y == 0) && (t.z == 0)) {
- continue;
- }
- //cout << " intersecting with plane with normal " << plane->normal() << std::endl;
- // intersect face with plane
- for (int i=0; vl.size() - i > 0; i++) {
- Vector3f v(*;
- Vector3f next;
- if (vl.size() - i > 1) {
- //cout << " -- at " << i+1 << std::endl;
- next = *;
- } else {
- next = *vl.front();
- }
- Vector3f prev;
- if (i > 0) {
- //cout << " -- at " << i-1 << std::endl;
- prev = *;
- } else {
- prev = *vl.back();
- }
- //cout << " vertex " << i << " prev " << prev << " v " << v << " next " << next << std::endl;
- if ((v.x*plane->normal().x + v.y*plane->normal().y + v.z*plane->normal().z +plane->d()) < delta) {
- // find current
- std::vector<Vector3f *>::iterator vit = vl.begin();
- while ((*vit) != {
- vit++;
- }
- // check if prev - v intersects with plane
- if ((prev.x*plane->normal().x + prev.y*plane->normal().y + prev.z*plane->normal().z + plane->d()) > -delta) {
- // calculate intersection
- float t1 = -plane->normal().x * prev.x - plane->normal().y * prev.y - plane->normal().z * prev.z -plane->d();
- float t2 = (plane->normal().x * v.x - plane->normal().x * prev.x +
- plane->normal().y * v.y - plane->normal().y * prev.y +
- plane->normal().z * v.z - plane->normal().z * prev.z);
- //cout << "prev t2 " << t2 << std::endl;
- Vector3f *s = new Vector3f;
- if (t2 == 0) {
- *s = v;
- } else {
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
- (*s)[j] = prev [j] + t1 * (v[j] - prev[j]) / t2;
- }
- //cout << " added " << *s << std::endl;
- vit = vl.insert(vit,s);
- vit++;
- i++;
- }
- // check if next - v intersects with plane
- if ((next.x*plane->normal().x + next.y*plane->normal().y + next.z*plane->normal().z + plane->d()) > -delta) {
- // calculate intersection
- // calculate intersection
- float t1 = -plane->normal().x * v.x - plane->normal().y * v.y - plane->normal().z * v.z -plane->d();
- float t2 = (plane->normal().x * next.x - plane->normal().x * v.x +
- plane->normal().y * next.y - plane->normal().y * v.y +
- plane->normal().z * next.z - plane->normal().z * v.z);
- //cout << "next t2 " << t2 << std::endl;
- Vector3f *s = new Vector3f;
- if (t2 == 0) {
- *s = v;
- } else {
- for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
- (*s)[j] = v [j] + t1 * (next[j] - v[j]) / t2;
- }
- //cout << " added " << *s << std::endl;
- vit = vl.insert(vit,s);
- vit++;
- i++;
- }
- // erase
- delete *vit;
- vl.erase(vit);
- i--;
- }
- }
- }
- if (vl.size() > 2) {
- math::Color *color = 0;
- if (face->texture() == "colors/white") {
- color = new math::Color(1, 1, 1);
- } else if (face->texture() == "colors/grey90") {
- color = new math::Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9);
- } else if (face->texture() == "colors/grey75") {
- color = new math::Color(0.75, 0.75, 0.75);
- } else if (face->texture() == "colors/grey50") {
- color = new math::Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
- } else if (face->texture() == "colors/grey25") {
- color = new math::Color(0.25, 0.25, 0.25);
- } else if (face->texture() == "colors/black") {
- color = new math::Color(0, 0, 0);
- } else if (face->texture() == "common/entity") {
- color = 0;
- } else
- // unknown textures get hot pink
- color = new math::Color(1.0f, 0.0, 1.0f);
- // calculate bounding box
- for (std::vector<Vector3f *>::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) {
- *(*it) *= model_scale;
- for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
- if (model_maxbbox[i] < (*(*it))[i])
- model_maxbbox[i] = (*(*it))[i];
- if (model_minbbox[i] > (*(*it))[i])
- model_minbbox[i] = (*(*it))[i];
- }
- }
- // split face into triangles
- while (vl.size() >2 ) {
- std::vector<Vector3f *>::iterator v0 = vl.begin();
- std::vector<Vector3f *>::reverse_iterator vn = vl.rbegin();
- std::vector<Vector3f *>::reverse_iterator vn1 = vl.rbegin();
- ++vn1;
- Vector3f n(face->normal()*-1);
- n.normalize();
- if (!color) {
- // evertices will be added to the VertexArray after normal vertices
- Triangle *triangle = new Triangle(*(*vn1), *(*vn), *(*v0), n, 0, detail);
- model_etris.push_back(triangle);
- //VertexArray::add_evertex(*(*vn1), n);
- //VertexArray::add_evertex(*(*vn), n);
- //VertexArray::add_evertex(*(*v0), n);
- //model_evertex_count += 3;
- } else {
- Triangle *triangle = new Triangle(*(*vn1), *(*vn), *(*v0), n, color, detail);
- model_tris.push_back(triangle);
- //VertexArray::add_vertex(*(*vn1), n, *color);
- //VertexArray::add_vertex(*(*vn), n, *color);
- //VertexArray::add_vertex(*(*v0), n, *color);
- //model_vertex_count += 3;
- }
- delete (*vn);
- vl.pop_back();
- }
- //add_face(mf);
- if (color) delete color;
- } else {
- con_debug << "Unresolved face!\n";
- }
- for (std::vector<Vector3f *>::iterator it = vl.begin(); it != vl.end(); it++) {
- delete(*it);
- }
- vl.clear();
-void Model::add_engine(Engine *engine)
- model_engine.push_back(engine);
-void Model::add_light(Light *light)
- model_light.push_back(light);
-Model *Model::find(std::string const & name)
- std::map<std::string, Model*>::iterator it = registry.find(name);
- if (it == registry.end())
- return 0;
- else
- return (*it).second;
-Model *Model::get(std::string const & name)
- Model *model = find(name);
- if (!model) {
- model = new Model(name);
- registry[model->name()] = model;
- }
- return model;
-void Model::clear()
- // delete all models in the registry
- for (std::map<std::string, Model*>::iterator mit = registry.begin(); mit != registry.end(); mit++) {
- delete(*mit).second;
- }
- registry.clear();
- // clear the vertex array
- if (VertexArray::instance())
- VertexArray::instance()->clear();
-void Model::list()
- for (std::map<std::string, Model*>::iterator mit = registry.begin(); mit != registry.end(); mit++) {
- con_print << " " << (*mit).second->name() << " "
- << (*mit).second->tris() << " triangles ("
- << (*mit).second->details() << " detail) "
- << (*mit).second->model_engine.size() << " engines "
- << (*mit).second->model_light.size() << " lights\n";
- }
- con_print << registry.size() << " registered models" << std::endl;
- if (VertexArray::instance())
- con_print << "vertex array " << (VertexArray::instance()->index() * 100 / VertexArray::instance()->size())
- << "% used" << std::endl;