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Author Topic: The Maps and Models board  (Read 16626 times)


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    • Project::OSiRiON
The Maps and Models board
« on: 2011-01-11 15:51:38 »
The Maps and Models board is intended to talk about the creation of maps and models, to post finished models and to discuss the
technical aspects of model creation. Project::OSiRiON supports the Wavefront OBJ file format, the ASCII Scene Export ASE file format and Quake 3 MAP files. The MAP format is also used as container format to place special tags like model lights, docking ports and engine trails.

Required reading
* Creating models

Here is a list of useful programs:
* NetRadiant packages: to edit .map files
* Blender: 3D modeling software
* Gimp: image editing software
* Spacescape: tool to generate space skyboxes

If you want to share screenshots, models or other files you can add as attachement to your post:
open Additional Options at the botom of the editor and an input box will appear where you can
select your file. You can attach images, text and pdf documents directly, other files will have to be zipped first.
« Last Edit: 2015-07-06 19:24:57 by Ingar »
OK Space Cadets, prepare to hurtle through the cosmos!